Gallery of Knives
Find inspiration for your custom piece in this collection of one-of-a-kind Ravensbeak Forge knives, axes, blades and more.

1. A modern take on a Sgian Dubh

2. Simple Sgian Dubh with leather stacked handle.

3. a full tang modern Sgian Dubh. I enjoy taking historical designs an updating them for the 21st century.

4. I made my mum a nicer sheath for her Christmas present.

5. A bearded axe I made. I had to get some outside help with swinging the sledgehammer.

6. A hybrid between a dirk and a bowie

7. A sheath I made for a customers cold steel Tanto.

8. Sgian Dubh with some mirror polished brass fittings.

9. I call this the Beast! The client wanted a machete that would stand out and have a bit of a fantasy feel to it, while also being practical.

10. Finished product next to concept art.

11. My take on the Iron Mistress Knife. I gave it a even more aggressive clip point than the original.

12. A small EDC knife. I based the blade shape on a seax.

13. A EDC Sgian Dubh I made for my mum.

14. Simple utility knife I made for my brother.

15. A Bowie knife i made for my dad. Unlike my other blades this one was made via stock removal.

16. Full tang kukuri knife.

17. Testing out some herb cutters.

18. I had the great honour of going down to kentucky back in 2019 and take a knife making course taught by Gil Hibben. This is the knife I made with him.

19. Railroad spike coat hook.

20. Handle carving.

21. My first dirk (left) next to one of my later dirks (right).

22. A 19th century kukuri i did restoration on.

23. Organizing the shop.

25. A personal dirk I made for myself. It was my first time carving celtic knots so the carving isn't perfect.

24. heat treating a tomahawk I forged from a ballpeen hammer.


27. A very simple dirk with very minimal carving.

28. File work

29. Rope dart Kunai

30. A simple hunting knife

31. Some Dirks

32. Scrimshaw

33. going to cut some bushes



36. a stainless sgian dubh

37. Hollow handle survival knife with functional sawteeth

38. a bear themed utility knife for my cousin

39. sheath with a bear walking through some bushes along a stream

40. Stainless edc/hunting knife

41. A forged kilt pin

42. My first pipe tomahawk

43. tomahawk i made for Matt of scholagladitoria

44. spike tomahawk

45. A batch of commissioned tomahawks. one of the clients requested certain runes be put on his.

46. Knives made by a student in one of my classes.

47. A spontoon pipe tomahawk made for Matt Easton


49. Bowie machete

50. Pipe tomahawk

51. Make sure to watch Scholagladitoria on youtube
52. busy day

53. big order

54. Spontoon tomahawk with a heart cut out

55. A Dane axe I forged. the head is smaller than most Dane axes with the edge measuring just under 6 inches.

56. B.C Highland games 2022
57. Mum helping out

58. Spike tomahawk

59. Conan inspired sword



62. sgiandubh with micarta scales

63. spike tomahawk with heart cut out

64. Blacksmiths knife

65. Thor pendants
66. Sgian dubhs

67. spike tomahawk

68. full tang tomahawk

69. cross tomahawk

70. copper fox dirk

71. full tang kukuri

72. warhammer

73. zulu iklwa

74. pipe tomahawk

75. standard tomahawk with ribbed haft

76. antler handle sgian dubh

77. pipe tomahawk

#78 Damascus sgian dubh

#79 spontoon pipe tomahawk

#80 Damascus bowie knife

#81 tomahawks

#82 Damascus sgian dubh I made for my mum

#83 hot damascus

#84 patch knives

#85. Bone handle damascus sgian dubh

#86. Bone handle damascus dagger

#87. Damascus sgian dubh

88. Damascus sgian dubh made for Ally the piper.

89. Avery small damascus sgian dubh.

90. Bone handle patch knife.

91. bone handle frontier/trade knife.

92. Pipe tomahawk

93. one off predator themed tomahawk for predator actor Dane Diliegro

94. Puukko knife

95. A tanto with a Hira-zukuri style blade with aikuchi style koshirae.


97. large pipe tomahawk order






103. Sgian Dubhs

104. fox dirk

105. Triquetra dirk

106. Heart dirk

107. Standard hammer poll spontoon tomahawk